
Showing posts from January, 2013

Book for Breakfast : Elizabeth and Her German Garden

Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim My rating: 4 of 5 stars Another lovely read by Elizabeth von Arnim, an English author specialized in writing introspective and witty stories with a hint of how dreadful a life of a woman could be, if that woman is not free to choose for herself.  I'm not going to lie, that word 'German' on the title is one of the main reason I want to read this book. The other reason, I have read 'Vera' (another von Arnim's book that I read for invalid reason), which I enjoyed immensely. It seems that I'm in love with Von Arnim's choice of theme and style of writing.  Dalam novel semi-memoir ini, Elizabeth von Arnim menuturkan kisah Elizabeth, seorang ibu rumah tangga (Hausfrau), juga istri bangsawan, yang tinggal di kawasan pedesaan Jerman. Buku ini mungkin terinspirasi dari pernikahan kedua Elizabeth von Arnim dengan seorang bangsawan Prusia, Count von Arnim, yang  berujung pada perceraian. Count von Arnim

Tentang 'Disobat'

"NAON SIA PELANG-PELONG? REK AING ‘SOBAT’?" — Rocktaroza Disobat lebih sakit daripada dikepret. Maksudnya ini: oo… sobat, maafkan aku mencintainya..(Padi)  (diambil dari tumblr -nya) Si geloooo. Hahaha. Ada-ada aja. Iya pisan Dir, beralasan gini yah kita teh jadi adik-kakak? Pemikiran serupa gini. Love you, you AB-normally cutie pie adorkable little brother! A very pinch-able mini Vera and Adira. Dari dulu pengen masang foto ini. Kesampean. YAY. Deine Vera