
Showing posts from December, 2015

...Then I know I am not going to drown in this pit forever

There are times when I felt so worthless. I could not get anything right. Life was one wrong decision after another. There are times when I wished I could just shrink shrink shrink and then vanish, as if I was never here before. People might hate me. I didn't blame them; I hated myself too. People didn't want to be approached by me, and that's fine, I couldn't stand being me, too.  Then my supervisor drove me home because apparently I look like someone who would break down with an ugly, inconsolable cry in the middle of traffic jam. Then I realized that I haven't eaten anything but my grandma prepared my favorite food for dinner. Then I texted random message to my best friend way past after her sleeping time, and she unexpectedly replied. Then I was told that people miss me -me!- and they might sent me messages but I was unable to read it because my silly phone was broken. Then I read nice things people posted on internet and I thought it would be nice if

Anonymous Review Reply, First Edition!

Bagi saya yang sudah cukup lama inaktif di fictionpress ini, mendapatkan notifikasi review baru untuk salah satu cerita saya merupakan momen-momen tersanjung level dewa. Bagaimana tidak, update terakhir saya adalah sekitar enam bulan yang lalu, tapi masih ada aja pembaca yang tersesat  mengunjungi cerita saya. Lebih dari sekadar membaca, mereka juga menyempatkan waktu untuk meninggalkan review . Dear FP readers and reviewers, thanks for keeping a dream alive! Keep the reviews coming (for me and for your other favorite fictionpress author)! Dari semua fitur interaksi penulis-pembaca di Fictionpress, buat saya story review adalah level tertinggi. Dengan story favorite atau story follow  kita sudah bisa menunjukkan pada penulis bahwa kita suka dan/atau tertarik dengan cerita mereka, tapi story review memungkinkan interaksi yang lebih bebas. Pembaca bisa mendeskripsikan rasa suka/nggak sukanya terhadap suatu cerita. Pembaca juga bisa menunjukkan dengan spesifik mana yang bagus, mana